
English 104

Undergraduate Class Observation Assignment

Your assignment is to go to an undergraduate class in your field

or in a field in which you took classes as an undergraduate

to observe people's behaviors or aspects of American undergraduate culture

that are different from those of your culture.

(You should try to go to a 100 or 200 level course)

Observed behavior: Identify the behavior observed.

E.g.. Students drinking soft drinks in class.

Comments: Briefly explain how, why or in what way the behavior

is different from that in your country.

Personal Reaction: Note your personal reactions to the behavior observed.

Is this behavior acceptable or unacceptable to you? Why/why not?

Title of class: Biochemistry 511


Time: Friday 8:30am

Number of students: ~200

Most of the students come to class early. They save seats for friends.

They take notes and seldomly talk to each other during the class.

They work so hard. Everyone looks like the good student in our country.

When I was in undergraduate, some students may eat their breakfast in class.

However, I don't see students eat here. They may bring coffee with them but not breakfast.

When they notice the professor write something wrong, they correct him politely and immediately.

This only happens in Taiwan when the professor has good relationship with some students.

In Taiwan, we may discuss with classmates but not tell the professor that he made a mistake. 

When the professor asks questions, many students try to answer whether they know the answer or not.

The interaction between professor and students is quite different comparing to my experience.

By the way, no student sleep obviously in class.

When the bell rings, no matter how concentrated they were, they leave the class immediately.

Overall, I am suprised that American students show much more respect to professor than Taiwan students.

Maybe because this is a morning class, only those who wants to learn can get up and comes to class this early. :D

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